Interface LibraryIssue
The library issue represents a corrupted or missing lib. You can use Installer.installResolvedLibraries
to fix this.
🏷️ Properties
expectedChecksum: string
The expected checksum of the file. Can be an empty string if this file is missing or not check checksum at all! Inherited from: Issue.expectedChecksum
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:29
file: string
The path of the problematic file. Inherited from: Issue.file
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:21
hint: string
The useful hint to fix this issue. This should be a human readable string. Inherited from: Issue.hint
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:25
library: ResolvedLibrary
The problematic library
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:48
receivedChecksum: string
The actual checksum of the file. Can be an empty string if this file is missing or not check checksum at all! Inherited from: Issue.receivedChecksum
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:33
role: "library"
The role of the file in Minecraft.
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:43
type: "missing" | "corrupted"
The type of the issue. Inherited from: Issue.type
Defined in: packages/core/diagnose.ts:13